
Boston Tea Party Revisited- Lawyers Wanted

The Law Society of Ontario (LSO), the province’s governing body for lawyers, has imposed a requirement for its lawyers to annually affirm adoption of a statement of principles (“SOP”), wherein lawyers agree to confirm and be in line with the doctrine and ethics of...

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Are We in China Yet?

In a couple of days I leave for Hong Kong where we shall be boarding a cruise ship that will take us to number of ports, ending up in Shanghai. I have never been to China and right now my mind is abuzz with thoughts about that exotic country I recall my first exposure...

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Sailor Kisses Nurse-Statue with Limitations

I was in Sarasota Florida the other day. At the harbour there is a giant statue version of that iconic photograph scene whereby a U.S. Navy sailor embraces and kisses a nurse in Manhattan the day World War 2 ended in August 1945. The sailor was identified as a George...

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Don’t Cry for Me, Amazon

I see Jeff Bezos and his wife of 25 years are divorcing. JB is the principal of Amazon and not surprisingly the richest man in the world, whose net worth is estimated at $137 billion dollars, American. I don’t know what that works out to in Canadian dollars as my...

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A Non-Christmas Story

An elementary school principal in Omaha Nebraska was put on administrative leave for banning candy canes in her school. This of course she did in the name of inclusion, as to her Xmas celebrations might be offensive to some students.  As the Mad Hatter in Alice in...

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Send in the Martians

So the Insight spacecraft has landed on Mars. Is this huge? I’m not sure. This is the 8th spacecraft to land on the red planet but I am actually totally disappointed as there is something drastically still missing. I ask, where are the Martians? For nearly a half...

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A Title by any other Name is not a Rose

What’s in a name? Or rather what’s in a title to a name? A 10 year old boy in North Carolina recently got punished by his teacher for calling her “ma’am”. She made him write out the word, “ma’am” 4 times per line on a long sheet of paper. This story went viral. Seems...

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Judging the Judge

I spent a few hours watching the historic Judge Kavanagh Senate confirmation hearings. As there have been more than enough political opinions expressed on the event, I thought I would challenge myself and see if I could come up with nonpolitical observations. I did...

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One Notwithstanding, Please

We have enjoyed an interesting few days in Ontario, notwithstanding.  As Oliver Twist said, "I would like some more, please. " Some of us like Premier Ford’s invocation of the notwithstanding clause to override the court's ruling regarding the government’s decision to...

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Look Ma; No Lunch Box

Back to school? Humbug. There ought to be a law against summer ads for school supplies.  Come  August you cannot visit a Staples or a Wal-Mart or most other stores without running a gauntlet of “back to school” stuff. In my view, this practice creates kiddy school...

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