The objective judge, objectively speaking
know thy judge
Stoli cow! One COVID vaccine, hold the vodka
no vodka for you
First, let’s vaccinate all the lawyers
Even Shakespeare agrees
Inflecting punishment
Pardonnez my language
Locking down locking up
Essential is like a box of chocolates
Weird “R” Us
broken toys for adoption-uh oh!
The honest truth about honesty
Truth (The Lawyer’s Daily)
Plague it again, Sam
Another century, another plague. Image by Sumanley xulx from Pixabay
Who pays for the toilet paper in Holland?
dutch treat oct-20
No brew for you
It is becoming increasingly difficult in dealing with large corporations or organizations to speak to live people or more so, live people who will actually listen and help. I bought a case of Alexander Keith’s India Pale Ale a while back. I left it somewhere in the...