Can world peace be achieved? Hmmm?. It is my belief that if there were two people left in the world, that they would quickly divide the planet into a north and a south and become instant rivals. Look at Cain and Abel. And it doesn’t stop there. Take Chile for example.
I find its geography fascinating. On the map it looks like it is about 2000 miles long north/ south and about 5 miles wide, east/west. I am probably close. That country has the shape of an earthworm.
I know very little about Chile except that it is probably not safe to make fun of its leaders. But I am willing to bet there is a rivalry split between different regions. I mean even east and west. The westerners border on the Pacific Ocean and they likely consider themselves rugged and weather worn, like the Vikings. And most likely the inland easterners poke fun at the pacific coastal westerners calling them “a bunch of smelly fishermen.” No doubt the westerners in turn probably make fun of the eastern landlubbers, coming up with zingers such as, “How many easterners does it take to debone a tuna?”
And if a western lady wants to marry an eastern sodbuster, she risks getting whacked by her father’s fishing net. Romeo and Juliet, move over.
So is global peace possible? Can’t say. I don’t want to be confrontational.