Excuse me, that’s my service bear
What happened to the bear on the airplane in Dubai?
What non lawyers think about judges
What non lawyers think about judges- no brainer
Seemed like a bright idea at the time
Ever wondered how to remove a lightbulb from your mouth?
Veni vidi vandalize
A funny thing happened at the Colloseum
Transcendental mediation?
En garde! Shall we mediate?-( Why?)
Is a box a boat?
The janitor in the operating room with the scalpel
When can a surgeon recruit a janitor to assist in the O.R.?
Fickle finger of fate
Is it legal to give a cop the finger from a school bus?
Do lawyers ever chicken out?
Lawyers- acting like chickens?
Meet Norman, my python
Ever been attacked by a Python while on a leisurely walk on city sidewalk? aiding-and-abetting-with-forked-tongue