Cream and Punishment
Don’t try this outside your home in Milan after midnight
Enter the paralegals
Hail to the paralegals-who are they?
Oops, it is leaning a bit
How did nobody notice the Tower of Pisa was not rising right?
The Law and Scrabble-the Next Frontier?
Scrabble and law-for those who don’t like to lose
Madame Poirier in the backyard with a rake-a mystery book
Is it always best to go by the book?
12 Cringey Men
Doctors in Argentina instead of gall bladder surgery perform vasectomy
Carrion luggage
The maggots are on me-Who’s liable for maggots on an airplane?
Order in the pizza, I mean the court
Texting judge gone wild
AI? Oy vey!
Need legal precedent cases? Is AI pulling them out of a hat?
Is there a lawyer in the house?
Who provides more value- doctors or lawyers?