Sitting is the New Smoking-The Government Cares

It looks like the Ontario government will be in charge of selling legalized marijuana. Legal weed will be sold just like liquor in special LCBO shops . The result will now be that just like gambling and booze, the government will have a monopoly and consequent golden...

I Tip My Hat for you, Your Honour

The Judicial Council has come out with the ruling suspending Justice Zabel for 30 days for briefly wearing a Trump “Make America Great” hat in court the day after the U.S. election. The council convened as a result of 81 complaints being filed about the incident. The...

A Connecticut Courthouse for Sale by Yankee Arthur King

George Beckwith of Goodman Missouri, got a surprising phone call recently from a lawyer, informing him that he soon would be an owner of a 19th-century courthouse in Connecticut. Seems back in the early 1800s his family owned the property and the deal was that if the...

Big Brother is Watching-Resistance is Futile

As the Borg said in Star Trek to some aliens it was taking over, “You will be assimilated” and “Resistance is futile”. Nicholas Troller, a Manitoba resident applied for and obtained a personalized license plate reading , “ASIMIL8″, a couple of years ago no...

Life Insurance for Immortals

I recently watched a commercial about an insurance company that offers guaranteed life insurance if you are between the ages of 50 to 75. To boot, you need not even answer a medical questionnaire. The ad shows a clip of an elderly couple with their grandchild and...