Royal Wedding-Here I Don’t Come

I’m happy today. The reason for this joy is that I was not invited to attend the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. . Before I celebrated my non invitation, I checked my emails again today to ensure there was no last minute message from the wedding...

No Manatees for you

Spent some time in Fort Myers only to be disappointed once again by the lack of promised wild animal sitings. Please see video below for the whole story.  

Hello- I’ll be your Robot

The end is near. Robots are taking over. Even Elon Musk noted, “ I’m close to the cutting edge in Al and it scares the hell out of me. It’s capable of vastly more than almost anyone knows and the rate of Improvement is exponential.” The human touch is waning. I wanted...

Sage Advice for Lawyers (and Other Mortals)

These pearls of wisdom originally appeared in Last Word-Supreme Advocacy ( Top Ten Thoughts from a Criminal and Civil Lawyer After 43 Years in the Profession After almost 43 years...

Free Ipad for Sale

As Gilbert and Sullivan said in Pinafore,  “Things are seldom what they seem, skim milk masquerades as cream.” A while back I received a phone call purportedly from the Canadian Bar Insurance Association (CBIA)  saying that if I simply request a quote for...