Taxing Tavares

Taxing Tavares

  He shoots he scores! Or at least he’s giving it a shot. I am talking not hockey, but income tax. Leafs star John Tavares is appealing a CRA tax assessment of $6.8 million on his $15.4 million bonus being part of his seven-year $77 million contract entered into...
Called to the bar and grill

Called to the bar and grill

Can a judge make peace between hostile lawyers by ordering them to have lunch together. In the Alabama case of McCullers v Koch Foods of Alabama, apparently the two lawyers were not getting along too well throughout.  Defense counsel moved to amend his pleading and...
City of Pisa v  The Tower Experts

City of Pisa v The Tower Experts

Mistakes, also known as errors, blunders or, in legalese, boo-boos. I am especially interested in historical iconic mistakes. What comes to my mind quickly is the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Surely it would not take legendary architect Frank Lloyd Wright to notice that it...